PTS hosts a Games night, raising money for mental health charities.
The PTS team got together for an evening of Bingo and Play Your Cards Right with our very Stephen Bowes-Phipps taking on the role of Bruce Forsyth.
All proceeds from the event went towards the Mental Health charities we are supporting this quarter: Samaritans, Heads Together, and the CALM Zone.
Samaritans works to make sure that fewer people die by suicide. They respond to calls for help, here for anyone who needs someone. They can be contacted in a variety of ways. Find out more or get involved here: Samaritans
Heads together work to ensure people feel comfortable about discussing mental health with friends and family. The initiative, set up by the Royal Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, aims to combat the stigma around mental health. Find out more here or get involved: Heads together
CALM, stands for the Campaign Against Living Miserably and is a leading movement against suicide. You can find out more about the support CALM offers or get involved here: TheCALMzone