Smart Waste Management


What is it?

Enabling proactive waste management and monitoring using IoT can help achieve environmental goals and improve user experience and wellbeing.

Creating an underground waste system linked to a central collection point to support site-wide sustainability and encourage recycling without detracting from the streetscape. Software alerts to the refuse collection team ensure efficient collection planning, therefore reducing carbon footprint by taking away the stop-start collection of traditional bins.

Furthermore, creating a network of environmental monitoring sensors generating environmental data, this can be linked with other systems to understand trends regarding pollution, weather, transport usage and site-wide wellbeing.

How to do it

• Review of existing communities to assess current demands and needs

• Engagement with key stakeholders reviewing current issues, projections and vision

• Identify Environmental goals and cost points

• Technology strategy to support environmental goals and reduce operational costs

• Implementation of integrated systems to provide a site-wide implementation plan.

• Step-goal approach to environmental improvement

Our team is raring to go! Let us know a bit about yourself and your requirements, and we’ll get you scheduled for a 30-minute consultation with a PTS expert.

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