Central Southern England City Council

Remote and Hybrid Working

Providing specifications for the client to purchase new cloud-based communication services, enabling full-time remote and hybrid working for 75% of staff.




Completion Date



The client’s existing contract for the provision of desktop and mobile telephony for the client was due to end. The client was obliged to re-tender for the services and in doing so move towards a cloud-based service better suited to a post-pandemic mode of working. With limited internal resource capacity, the client enlisted the help of PTS to prepare the procurement specification document.



PTS obtained details of the existing telephony services that needed to be replaced and supplemented this with conversations with the principal stakeholder at the client.  


Specification Development 

The new voice service requirements were described in two specifications for cloud-based desktop and mobile telephony services respectively. Issued for client review these were then amended following feedback from the client to create documents that could be used for issuing to prospective suppliers. 


The specifications are for cloud-based telephony services (Voice as a Service) that will facilitate a much more flexible mode of working that the client has adopted following the Covid-19 pandemic.

Approximately 75% of the client workforce now work remotely for at least part of the working week with many workers now home based on a full-time basis. The specifications will allow procurement of appropriate services and end point equipment that will better facilitate this flexible way of working. 

The client staff were able to focus on their existing roles rather than having to work on relatively unfamiliar activities and create documents that are only required every 7 years.  

PTS provides knowledge and expertise that the client does not possess and would require client staff to spend a disproportionate amount of time to create the same deliverables. 

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